Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Reported by SIMON at 10:32 pm 11 Readers
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
pimping corner...
Over at Wendy's site she's gone on a bit of a rant but I so agree with her. If you haven't really got the time to look at the whole site, because it's great just click here.
Don't forget to come back here though will you!
The following quote is not mine, though it should be, it's from a wise old indian gentleman and I thank him for sharing it on his blog.
"If to win and make Real & Lasting friendship is an art, to preserve and keep those friendship is a fine art. It takes years to gain true friendship, but losing a true friend could be matter of moments. A thoughtless word or rash behaviour is enough to end a friendship that lasted years."
I guess it is also relevant in these days of mass communication, as discussed at the weekend. It may not take as long to make a real friend but it can end even quicker.
If it is relevant to you - relearn the art and make that move. E mail, text, snail mail, ring or go visit.
You might not get back the true friendship but at least you'll stay friends.
Monday, April 23, 2007
I am trying to get involved with an arts project for young people involving digital cameras and how they see things through the lens. They have asked for some submissions and I thought I'd share them with you first.
Actually that's a lie! I've already submitted them but I haven't heard back from them yet. The category is called Top Stuff and the basic rule is that the pictures are taken looking up! To encourage people to look up for photo opportunities. It's a great project and it was fun taking the photos and all I have to say to all you photographers out there and there are many go out, take your camera and just occasionally - LOOK UP!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Reported by SIMON at 11:20 pm 14 Readers
Friday, April 20, 2007
That's my idea and that's it, no just kidding. When you want to get in touch with someone with a press of a couple of buttons you should be able to!
I've had one of those days where despite all the media available I've had a great deal of difficulty actually getting in touch with people in general it has been a real pain in the arse, not to mention the time it has taken up.
How many ways of communicating with people did you use today?
Obviously person to person and then a combination of all of these maybe, telephone, mobilephone, text, video message, E mail, web site, blog, Instant messenger, satellite link, fax, E to mobile, mobile to E mail and back again and many other ways that Im sure you can think of.
Let's pick our way through ; bluetooth, infra red, blackberry's, laptops, pc's, palm pilots, tri band, uplinks, downloads, cordless, hands free, wifi ned I go on?
Now think of how many E mail accounts you've got! No be honest with yourself there's the one at work as well that you have access to, nearly forgot that one didn't you?
I'll text you with the other phone because it's cheaper
Oh E mail me, but not on that account.....
I've got an E mail account that I only use for blogging/work/dates etc.
I can send E mails with my mobile phones but if you're in Uzbekistan you won't receive it.
The E mail client regrets that your device is not configured to send the E mail you have just taken an hour to write......
So this is the way the idea WILL work. One huge server to cover everybody everywhere right. But only one way to access it - telepathy would be good but let's keep it real folks! - and one form of communication!
Wow it's so simple!
Even the spam and the porn is personalised!!
I'm going to put it to the test right now and if your tv remote starts flashing then you've received a message from me!!
Reported by SIMON at 10:30 pm 10 Readers