Sunday, March 04, 2007


Ok first off the science bit....During a lunar eclipse, the earth blocks the sunlight which normally bounces off the moon.

The moon is NOT a source of light and we only ever see it because of reflected light from the sun.
It shouldn't have been that difficult to explain to GRAMBO but it was!
Did you see it? It was brill, no it wasn't brill really but you know what I mean.
We stood outside GRAMBO's and watched it complete with all the light pollution. We then walked back to the WILKONEWS head office as it became total and then started getting brighter at the bottom. It was so clear. WKD suggested that when we got home I could probably photograph it from the back steps......despite the moon being at the front!
Anyway I knew there would be hundreds of photos kicking round on the weird wide webbything today as indeed there was and there's no way my pics would have been as good as these, from the front or the back!
We have to walk past 2 pubs and 2 bars to get home and it was after 11 on a Merseyside Saturday night. Out of one pub stumbled quite literally 3 'borderline underage' lads who had blatantly had a bit too much of the fally down water!
They crossed the road just in front of us, the third one, the most unsteady put his head up while trying to negotiate the kerb and more than said but less than shouted,
WKD and me just burst out laughing. However the funniest thing really was when he realised that neither of his mates were remotely interested or hadn't heard him he just gave a shrug of his shoulders and carried on stumbling on behind them!

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