Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Isn't this bloggy stuff great! I had already downloaded this cartoon and then saw it as I was lurking on another guys blog. So I lurked no longer, left a comment and in that one moment I realised that we ALL beg/steal/borrow pics and other things from everyone else in blogland, don't we? There's absolutely no harm in it, I don't think anyway and if we can all have a bit of fun on the way then it's ok!
However sometimes - great minds DO think alike!
So forget everything you might have seen on you tube, delete all references to Justin Timberlake this is the original 'dick in a box'.
Thanks to Twolf1920 http://twolf1920.blogspot.com/ Another thing that struck me is that 2 guys can be on the opposite sides of the atlantic can be on the same adult fun site! Do you hear back pedalling as I try not to explain where I got the cartoon in the first place!
As I keep saying I never cease to be amazed at this weird world webbything!

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