Friday, February 23, 2007


Ok a couple of long days since I've been back but time to catch up on some of the politics. Well it is budget setting time and this is a local authority working environment. Not a good combination. Messages from the Chief Exec are becoming very much almost an annual affair, Queen's Speechish. Well he gets paid almost as much as her!
This year though...The Three Year Efficiency Plan


Further savings will be delivered through the developement of three cornerstone projects which will further reduce costs throughout the authority. These projects will relate to Customer Access, Agile Working and Procurement.

(what the f*ck?)
It has been my mission today to find out exactly what he meant! A mission I have to say I have failed miserably at. However I was the 212th person to enquire of our union branch manager.
Go to it Joe it's now your mission after all it is the union AGM very shortly!
I have to the end of the day.....
Yes I hate them both and try not to use them but alas sometimes I do but thanks to POSH HERMIT once again for some more definitions to hate and ponder over :
All things considered = I've just come up with this
Allegedly = What I'm saying is true, but I don't want to be sued
Apparently = I've just heard an urban myth
Basically = This is going to get complicated
Coincidentally = My story is unoriginal
Essentially = Unimportantly

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